The Manning Cabin was moved from Powder Springs to the Root House property on September 20, 2018. The chimney, roof, and porch were disassembled for the move. The cabin will be temporarily placed in the Root House parking lot until the new foundation is ready. Since the move, the cabin has been cleared of debris and a new roof has been installed. Soon, the foundation of the interpretive center will be poured and the cabin will be moved one last time and placed on new concrete piers.
The 875 sq. ft. cabin will be used as an exhibit space and as an event and lecture space. A large addition to the cabin will contain executive offices, a research library and conference room, public restrooms, and a small catering kitchen. Cobb Landmarks also plans to make the space available to rent for private events and meetings. The property occupied by the William Root House is leased to Cobb Landmarks from the City of Marietta. In 2016, the Marietta City Council approved a request by Cobb Landmarks to add .082 acres adjacent to the Root House to the lease. This additional land, along with modifications to the existing property, will enable the cabin and smokehouse to be relocated to the Root House property. The addition of these structures will allow Cobb Landmarks to begin hosting temporary and traveling exhibitions, lectures, and large-scale educational programs, which will expand our reach in the community. An early estimate for construction is $685,000. Cobb Landmarks does not plan to incur any debt related to this project. Funds raised exceeding the construction cost will be set aside for an endowment for the operation and perpetual care of the cabin and additional structures. Construction should be completed by the end of 2019.
Cobb LandmarksWe are committed to empowering our community with an understanding of the events, people, and places that formed our past, so that we may all strive for a brighter future. Won't you join us? Archives
December 2024